Sunday, August 31, 2008

Playmobil Photo Post 2

Did you like the last "Playmobil Photo Post"? If you didn't, sorry to disappoint but too bad for you, we have another one today! My wife Nicole kindly once again took photos of my latest Playmobil creation. This time I made a little scene showing the remains of an ancient castle located in the mountains. *Click each photo for an bigger view

Notice the woodsman peering over the castle wall.

Another front view of the ruined fortress.

Various bandits and outlaws travel to the long forgotten castle, seeking refuge from the law

Behind the crumbling walls thieves have setup a kingdom to call their own.

Well there you have it. I've been purchasing a crap ton of Playmobil off of Ebay lately, so rest assured that more Playmobil creations will be on the way. Until then, drink and be merry...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Playmobil Photo Post

I recently created a custom creation using Playmobil castle pieces. My lovely wife was kind enough to help me photograph a little display I setup. I think it shows off the details quite well. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it! *Click the photos to view a higher resolution in my Flickr account.

^ Here's the front of what I suppose is some sort of Royal Blacksmith shop, complete with a guard tower.

^ The upper loft of the Blacksmith's house.

^ The main floor of the Blacksmith's house. The foamy beer mug pieces are a personal favorite of mine. Try finding an American made toy that includes anything like that...

I'll have some more toy photo posts coming soon!