Thursday, April 24, 2008

You suck, and I hate you all...

Lando Star WarsHi Everybody! Welcome to what I hope will be a regular outlet for my interests, and maybe in turn some of yours. While my hobbies are pretty vast in range, I think some of them go hand in hand. Toys and Action Figures, Movies, Star Wars, Comics and Graphic Novels. Yeah, all that geeky stuff... they're really close friends with each other, don't you think? So that's a sample of what you can expect me to write about. A bit off topic - I'm an intermediate musician and I've been fooling around with home studio recording over the past year or so. Honestly I pretty much suck at writing music, so if I choose to share any of my recordings in the future, you can expect them to be covers of existing songs. Just putting that out there as a possibility for future postings. I'm sure that has you really excited too...

So I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and will gladly hit it up several times each day. Neglect will cause me to not love you anymore.

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